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What is SHiFT

An Acronym for Our Trademarked Approach to Organizing

SHiFT™ is a non-judgmental and compassionate approach to help those who are chronically disorganized live a fulfilling life without the extra clutter. It was created to focus on organizing not only your physical environment but also other essential areas of your life.

SHiFT™ is not a one size fits all approach.


The SHiFT™ evolves over time while working collaboratively and addresses: social connections, health, the importance of you, finances, and time - areas most impacted by chronic disorganization. With time, you will feel and witness a shift in your life.

Exploration of SHiFT

We address organizing from all angles, allowing for a more balanced life.


Social connections heal people. As social beings, connections make us happy and feel energized. If you surround yourself with clutter, you can withdraw and feel sad and lonely. Stop surrounding yourself with clutter that gives you a moment of happiness and surround yourself with people you love. Make more room for the people you love. While we work together, I will help you find ways to feel connected to the people you love and care for. 


Health is wealth. It is time to put your health first. Enjoy making nutritious homemade meals and begin eating right in your organized kitchen and reduce microwavable foods and fast-food take-out. Poor diets scientifically contribute to depression and many health issues. Stop putting yourself last and make your health a priority. We offer Kitchen to Table Organizing to help you begin your health journey on the right foot. 

I am deserving

You deserve to have a liveable space. You deserve all the help you want and need. The first step to doing something good for yourself is to believe that you are worth it. As we work together, I will listen to what you are saying and what you aren’t saying to provide the necessary support to help you as much as possible—all while being your biggest cheerleader to keep you going. 


Finances can get out of hand when it is not organized. Disorganized paperwork can cause more debt and stress than necessary. You may have also noticed that you have been spending more money than usual to store all your belongings or purchase items you cannot find. It’s time to get your finances organized and see what you have been spending your money on. We help you find a money management system that works for you. So you can keep track of your hard-earned money and stop wondering where it goes. 


You find yourself spending a lot of time storing, moving, and cleaning things you may not need. It’s time to take control of your days and spend that time doing things you love with people you love. It’s overwhelming with so much to look at and so much to do. Get organized and get your time back. We can help create daily schedules, tips, and strategies to help you make the most of your days. 

Co-Founders of SHiFT™



Connie Anderson, CPO-CD® and Jen Cazares, CPO-CD® are co-founders of SHiFT™. Collectively they have over 30 years of organizing experience and have worked with hundreds of people, from those with hoarding disorder, ADHD, PTSD, chronic disorganization, and so much more. While working with our clients, we realized that organizing just the stuff in the room wasn’t enough. 


Pulling from their life experiences, personal struggles, personal gifts, and talents---combined with the years of experience organizing alongside chronically disorganized people, they felt like there are too many areas impacted by chronic disorganization that are just not addressed. 


They chose to address these issues to make a sustainable, life-changing impact to truly help their clients SHiFT™ their lives. Their passion and care for their clients allow them to go above and beyond to help their clients become the best version of themselves they can be. They understand that getting organized is a journey, and they have helped so many people along the way. 

Making the SHiFT®

True Stories of How People Affected by Chronic Disorganization Learn To Live a Deserving Life

A guide for professional organizers, mental health professionals, and anyone wishing to better understand the behaviors of people who live with chronic disorganization.

While observing and interacting with her clients, author and professional organizer Jen Cazares noticed a basic, underlying pattern. When the weight of clutter buried their social connections with family and friends, negatively impacted their physical health and the health of their home, depleted their finances, and wasted their time, Cazares's clients lost sight of who they were and their purpose in life. As a result, organizing overstuffed households involved more than decluttering "things"; it required attending to her clients' behaviors and underlying beliefs. This is the foundation of the SHiFT® method of organizing.

Making the SHiFT® combines sage observations from hundreds of client interactions with adaptive organizing techniques. Through case studies and real-time exercises, readers will discover the enormous healing potential of the SHiFT® method. People affected by chronic disorganization can move from fragmentation into wholeness and learn to live a deserving life. Making the SHiFT® shows how.

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